Like many other times before, I got inside the enormous metal worm; with a loosely defined route. Several eating stops later, these eyes are caught up inside the worm, just like me. Inside our entrapment, our eyes found each other. We carefully studied one another from the distance, making sure our memory would hold on to even the smallest details, since we both knew from the beginning all we had was this moment.
The Worm continued to make its occasional feeding stops, and even though more people got caught in it, these two pairs of eyes could see nothing but each other. Longing so badly to have the guts to materialize the stares into something more timeless. After realizing it would not be done, we both decided to make the best of these 15 minutes.
Up, down, to the side. To your hair, to your coat, to your leopard printed Vans. To my sketchbook, to my earrings, to my shy smile. Getting closer, yes, but always making it seem casual. Make a staring contest, who can watch longer without looking down. You win, I was too much of a coward to keep it up. Your eyes, once again your eyes; dark and daring.
It's about time already, our chance is over. We get another glance, a regretful one. This is the last chance. The canned voice announces the opening of the Worm's jaws, and you walk out, free. I lower my eyes, still regretting, still knowing I have a chance, feeling even more regretful. The doors close, it's over. I try to catch a last glance, the last time I see before this is nothing but information stored in this not quite reliable disk. There they are, the eyes, the eyes of my perdition, right behind the glass. Waiting for their last glance, waiting for my eyes. More of a goodbye, the last stare is an apology. The Worm moves, and while our eyes try to still hold on to each other, they grow more and more distant.
Finally, the eyes disappear. Perhaps momentarily, most likely forever.
The true beauty of it all it's that this modern, subterranean love, lasted about 15 minutes. 900 seconds. And these young, careless hearts need even less to fall in love.
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