DIY: Fabric Sandals

Posted 3:42 AM by Unknown in Etiquetas:
I've always been a devotee of DIY (Do It Yourself) and Crafts projects. I love creating things: the therapeutic feeling of the process, the sense of using your hands as the incredible tools they were meant to be, the satisfaction of having a tangible product of your work...! The creations you get to wear are specially cool because not only are they unique, but they also make great conversation starters.

This project is the most recent one I've created: making my own Fabric Sandals. They look funky and the best part is they were really easy to make. I used the base off of an old pair of flip flops I had, some fabric out of a colorful kids shirt I bought in a thrift store for $0.50 cents, and waterproof glue to seal it off.

Want to make your own pair? Here's the tutorial I based mine off of: Etsy - How-Tuesday
If you create your own, leave a picture in the comments so I can see them! :)

1 comment(s) to... “DIY: Fabric Sandals”

1 comentarios:

Elaina said...

I love this idea of the fabric sandals :P Thanks for sharing the sourse! I think I might start making my own pretty soon!

Elaina (8)